Parenting is an extremely complex activity. Psychologists have been trying for quite some time to classify types of parents according to the most vital dimensions of parenting. Researchers have divided parents into 4 basic types on the basis of 2 major factors: (1) what the parents EXPECT of their children & (2) how they RESPOND to their children emotionally.

The 4 types of parents are neglecting, permissive, authoritarian, & authoritative, with the authoritative style being clearly superior.


4 STYLES of Parenting


The 4 types of parents are neglecting, permissive, authoritarian, & authoratative, with the authoratative style being clearly superior.

  1. The neglecting parent expects little of their children & offers little emotional support.
  2. The permissive or indulgent parent is big on emotional support but expects little from their child & tends not to challenge their children to ‘be all they can be’.
  3. The authoritarian parent overemphasizes discipline, expectations, & control; they tend to push their children hard but are cold & disconnected emotionally, leaving their children feeling unloved & valued only for their accomplishments.
  4. The authoritative parent is a parent whoffers both high expectations & lavish love & support to their children. These parents have things they want to teach their children, but they combine an emphasis on discipline with warmth, communication, respect, & affection. This style of parenting is seen to produce the healthiest kids. Research suggests that children with this type of parent tend to have the highest self-esteem, self-reliance, & social competence. They also tend to perform better in school, having a strong motivation to succeed.

It’s important to note that your child’s future sexual choices will be affected by the overall quality of your relationship with your child.

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