If you keep taking the ‘driver’s seat’ you may feel powerful, but you’ll also feel responsible for everything! For other people’s problems, to the bad weather, to…..everything!

CHOOSE to lay it all down, & in it’s place, locate TRUST! Stop trying so hard to get it right & start trusting that things will be made right as you let go & give God room to step in! Trust that as you let go that you will be made right as you respond ‘right’, & that life WILL unfold as it should! (Surrender to ‘the unforced rhythms of grace’. Even if the rhythm is in stops & starts & feels anything but a rhthym :-) Work with what you have & discover your own unique ‘rhythm’.

God asks ‘Are you TIRED? WORN OUT? BURNED OUT (on religion)?

Come to Me. Get away with Me & you WILL recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me & work with Me-watch how I do it.

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me & you’ll learn to live freely & lightly’. (Mt 11:28-30 Msg)

Jesus promises His ‘yoke is easy’ & His ‘burden is light’. His will for us is an easy yoke ,a light burden! If we’re not experiencing this, then perhaps we are either straining ahead of Jesus, or falling behind, & thus creating unnecessary strain in our lives.

Come to Me, all you who labor & are heavy-laden & overburdened & I will cause you to rest. [I will ease & relieve & refresh your soul).

Take My yoke upon & learn of Me…& you WILL find rest (relief, ease & refreshment & recreation & blessed quiet) for your souls.

For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good-not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, & pleasant), & My burden is light & easy to be borne’. (Mt. 11:28-30 Ampl)

Let go!!! 

“Don’t try to hold God’s hand; just simply let Him hold yours. Let Him do the holding & you do the trusting”. (H. William Webb-Peploe)

Trying to control your life & the life of those around you is like trying to control the wind; it’s impossible! And a waste of effort; awaste of emotional energy, whichis probably, in your ‘wobbly’ state, already in limited supply! DECIDE instead to do the right stuff in letting go: plan ahead (even re the basics-having a plan for breakfast, for dinner, etc, can be a fabulous pressure reliever), set goals (know where you’re headed, individually, as a family), make wise choices, be balanced & disciplined, but quit trying to control every outcome & cover every base! Channel your desire to control to something more manageable (your knife & fork drawer perhaps 🙂 

[A Word of Wisdom…Keep an open hand with the gifts life presents! BUT,… don’t be too quick to give away the treasures of revelation & understanding God has put in your hand; enjoy them for yourself & let them grow & be strengthened before showcasing them to the world around you; enjoy the fruit of what God puts in your hand before you prematurely pass the blessing onto others.]




Take the pressure off feeling like you need to fix everyone & everything. There is immense freedom found in understanding what I consider is the nature of true ministry.




True ministry is………………………………………


SHARING,……………………………not domoinating


UNDERSTANDING,……………..not theologizing


CARING,………………………………not fixing,


IDENTIFYING,……………………..not relieving.


(Brennan Manning, The Rabbi’s Heartbeat)




As we do our part; as we share, understand, care & identify with those in our lives, we enable the Holy Spirit to do His part in fullness & power!



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