Boyfriends & Girlfriends


WHY consider a ‘No Boyfriend/Girlfriend Policy’ in your home & amongst your child’s peers???

Information based on content from Six Ways to Keep The ‘Little’ in Your Girl (Dannah Gresh)


  • The Centre for Disease Control & Prevention reports, approx 46% of students graduate from high school sexually active, 30% of 15-18 y.o. have had/given oral sex.
  • The Medical Institute for Sexual Health has analysed the top factors that place a teen girl most at risk of being in the above stats. A key one is ‘having a boyfriend for 6 months or longer‘. Considering the nature of teens & boy craziness,without a parent’s active guidance, a girl has little chance of not having a boyfriend for 6 months or longer. Almost 50% of tweens have, or have had, a boyfriend. Most think it means you ‘hold hands’ or say ‘I like you’, while 30% think it means having oral/sexual intercourse.
  • Even approched innocently, having a boyfriend in her tweens can increase the risk she’ll have a boyfriend for 6 months or longer when she’s a teen, putting her in the high risk category of being sexually active.
  • Therefore, the way you encourage your girl to approach boys when she’s 8 can influence her behaviour when she’s 16!
  • consider standing by a ‘No boyfriend/girlfriend policy’ in your family & perhaps amongst your child’s peers thru the school years?!?! Surely the school years are there for your child to be educated & not to deal with the distractions & pressures of boyfriend/girlfriend relationships! Consider that your kids are too young in Primary School, in particular, to be coping with the expectations & pressures of intimate relationships. If you have children in older grades entertaining members of the opposite sex on campus, consider the role model portrayed to those young eyes & hearts looking up to your children for a guage of how to do life well & God’s way!??!
  • consider practical ways of talking to your daughter about protecting her heart, letting God write her love story, the secret part of a girls’ beauty discussed in Keys for Your Daughter.
  • consider practical ways of talking to your son about self-control, pornography & choices discussed in Keys for Your Son.

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