Info based on content from the BOOK: A chicken’s Guide to Talking Turkey with your Kids about SEX (Leman/Bell. Ch 1, 2) Introducing the ‘topic’ before it becomes an ‘issue’,……………………… or down the track, a ‘crisis’!!!The most important thing a preadolescent needs is information??? TRUE or FALSE?!?! FALSE: Information is important, but more importantly what a child needs to succeed is an involved & loving parent. Grades 4-5.The first base is to cultivate BASIC HYGIENE skills before hormones kick in. To be interested in the other changes increases openness. ‘First base’: zits, cracking voice, bad-hair days, clumsiness, fashion dramas. Also consider instances when your child injures themselves or feels awkward; this is an opportunity for you to engage with your child & to demonstrate that you care. Physical maturity does not equal emotional/relational maturity. Consider what it means to have ‘the talk’ versus being close enough to your child to talk meaningfully about sex & being purposeful in nurturing an ongoing, open, loving relationship. This is an ongoing process if you’re doing your job right, not a one off talk! A parents’ common retort: ‘You MUST ‘abstain from sex’. This will remain solely a one-liner if YOU abstain from talking openly with your kids about their sexuality. This will become a heart response as they understand WHY they ‘MUST abstain’ within the context of an open, ongoing, parent-child connection. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- 8-14 y.o.Puberty & the ‘firsts’ that accompany it. The first bra/ first period/ first discussion about development & expected behaviour with opposite sex. 8-9 y.o.Your child won’t say a lot but probably thinking about sex & related issues 10-11y.oYour child is probably talking with friends about sex & related issues 12-14 y.o.Your child may be having sex (especially if you haven’t talked with & been involved in their lives to-date) ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- AIM
The end of the ‘firsts’ will evolve as your child moves from puberty to adolescence. Your child will move beyond breast buds & her period, beyond his first emission/wet dream to the stage where emotional/psychological changes begin in the TWEEN years– when kids are straddling childhood & adolescence. Early puberty & the Tween years are a time where u still have a great deal of influence by lovingly instructing your child & setting boundaries. They’ll still ‘hear’ you! Sex educators often act as if most important thing preadolescents need is info. They’re WRONG! The most important thing a child needs is an involved & loving parent!!! |