Feel the need to show yourself understanding & kindness; to give yourself the benefit of the doubt rather than to berate yourself, to self-sabotage! The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself, not partially, with some ‘warts’ kept covered when in public, but COMPLETELY!!!
To enjoy your life, u need to learn to enjoy yourself.
To enjoy yourself, u need to accept yourself (as u are now,…on the journey to further understanding & change)
To accept yourself, you have to know yourself.
To know what u prefer is to keep your soul alive!Go on a treasure hunt. Revisit your innate preferences before they’d been overwhelmed & reshaped by others. Discover, or re-discover, ‘what are the secret whispers of your heart; what encourages flowers to grow & flourish in the garden of your soul; in the garden of your heart???? Ask yourself, UNTIL, you know the answers to the secret longings of your soul!!!
Answer, I love….
Answer, I hate…
Non-judgementally acknowledge what u love & hate about yourself, & about the world around you!
Ask these questions, UNTIL you start dancing in step with who you really are on the inside. After the hurt little girl begins to take a back seat. Press in UNTIL you see your inner girl find her feet & begin to get down & boogie!!! Press in UNTIL you KNOW & feel & experience the reality of the ‘unforced rhythms of grace’ flowing through your life.
Discover what creates ‘soul space’ for you!
Things that can help:-
- walk the block (greet those you come across; practice smiling merely because the sun shines, or the birds sing, etc!)
- sit in the sun & watch the birds. Listen to their song. Sit there UNTIL you find your own song again!
- have a bubble bath with candles lit & soothing music, loud enough to cover the ringing of a phone or a front door bell J RELAX!!!
- do something nice for someone else
- avoid long stretches of solitude. GO out EVERYday. Have someone over. Solitude lends itself all too well to a mind turning on itself. When alone put music on; music your mind & thoughts can track along to, rather than the well-worn negative pathways your busy mind will default to!!!
- do light stretching everyday. Loosen up!
- watch a light uplifting comedy/movie. Allow your mind to relax.
- dismiss depressing thoughts, on purpose! Avoid the news for a season,…or forever!
- write an honest, simple prayer to God the Kind. Tell Him everything & listen for His voice reminding you who you really are! ‘I am the one Jesus loves’. “I am my Abba Father’s Delight’!!! When my Daddy God sees me, He’s a happy, proud Daddy, not an angry, disappointed one. When He looks at me He wears a smile & not a frown. God smiles over me, even when I’m not smiling: even when I don’t feel like smiling!
- draw how you feel. How you’d like to feel. How you think God sees you
- gather inspiration from scriptures, poems, pictures. Allow them to sink in & to comfort & nourish your soul
- keep a Gratitude Journal
- read a great novel ( I loved The O’Malley Chronicles)
- write a list of any & all rules that dictate the way you live your life. Examine them. Are they worth it? Do they help you to prosper in your soul. Break a few! Breathe!!!!!!!
- scrapbook from old mags. Pick pictures that sing to you. Make a collage you can see readily; beside your bed perhaps. Where it will sing into your everyday!
- bake, sew, garden, sort & organize, paint, decorate,…keep ur hands busier than your mind 🙂
Write a list of 10 simple pleasures/treats you used to enjoy doing when you weren’t so ‘wobbly’. If you aren’t sure ask those close to you to remind you! Choose ONE & do it. DO one at least one each day following.
Determine to :-
- live as true to the things you value as you know how
- tread as gently on the earth as you know how
- judge less & handle the souls of others with care (everyone’s journey is just as difficult, & often more so)
- live with an eternal perspective, all the while holding tightly to hope. Determine to never let your hope be deferred in Jesus name!
- think ahead, dream of a future & adjust course as necessary
- give back where you can, as much as possible, & where/if necessary, do it afraid!
Be real!
Hello, I’m ….& I’m…wobbly at times & it’s okay. I’m depressed right now, but I’m okay. I’m …
As you understand who you truly are, weaknesses & all, & as you become okay with who you are, as you are, it’ll be okay in general; the thoughts & opinions of others will matter less, & less. You’ll know true freedom in the depths of who you are! Afterall, it is for freedom that Christ set you free! It’s possible to do life knowing you’re ‘free indeed’. Imperfect & with obvious faults, but still free! Free to be me! Free to be me,…..with you! Free to be me,……………with my huband, my family, etc
Determine to find the place where you can confidently say, ‘It’s good to be me’! ‘It’s good to be me….with you….& you,….& you…..& You’!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will connect best with others when you connect with the core of yourself! (B.Manning)