AIM to accept yourself despite your imperfections & weaknesses! Lower the bar, & expect less of yourself! Decide, I have the right to be wrong, the right to be flawed, the right to not know something/everything or to have it all together!

Recognize that perfection is wrapped up in FEAR & PRIDE. 

Accept that it’s in the seat of your weakness that the power of God can rest. It’s in the seat of your (mismanaged) sensitivity, that if yielded to God can become a place of power where God can be magnified, glorified & made known in your life!

2 Cor 12:9 ‘I shall be very happy to make my WEAKNESS my special boast that the power of Christ may stay, rest, dwell over me’. (may pitch a tent upon me!). 

Often, the very weakness that seems so obvious to us as ourselves, is the very strength others draw & enjoy from our lives, because it’s there that His power dwells!

‘When I am WEAK (in human strength; in infirmities, hardships, insults, perplexities & distresses) then I am truly STRONG (able, powerful in Divine strength)’.

‘Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now, I take limitations in stride, & with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size; the abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over. SO the weaker I get, the stronger I become.” Msg

God promises, ‘My GRACE (God’s favour, loving-kindness, mercy) is SUFFICIENT for you; it’s all you need’!!!

‘God’s strength & power are made perfect (fulfilled & complete) & show themselves most effective in (your) weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses/infirmities…’ Ampl

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